CD / DVD / Vinyl pressing
While performing the Made in France pressing of CDs, Odeva also offers solutions for USB key duplication, DVD burning and CD silkscreen printing. Take advantage of exceptional quality and prices on a wide range of products. All our products are not displayed so do not hesitate to ask us for a quote. Very quick answer.
Our studio team and our graphic designer are at your disposal as well.
Some prices
Prices include taxes but no toll fee. Cellophaning, glassmaster and free delivery in France
Digipack, case or cardboard sleeve. Compact disc or 45 and 33 rpm vinyl records. Manufacturing in small and large series by our service provider in a French factory. Service and quality guaranteed! Free delivery in metropolitan France. Prices are valid until 31/12/2021, VAT included. All products are delivered cellophaned. Don't forget to make your SDRM declaration in order to speed up your order. We are at your disposal for any further information. Information and graphic templates: contact@odeva.fr